Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Announced for Nintendo 3DS – IGN NEWS

There are two new versions of the last mainline 3DS games – but none for Switch.

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  1. Mint Tea Sea より:

    #BringBackGyms #BringBackMegas

  2. Super Bright より:

    Coming to switch too. despite nintendo’s attempted cover ups.

  3. Yonas より:

    ign you know that stars is just a code name

  4. Matthew Malbrough より:

    cheap cash grab

  5. Norspark より:

    Switch owners get btfo

    But this is likely the last main Pokèmon games for 3DS.

  6. KavinCatastrophe より:

    So wait did I but Pokemon Sun a month ago for nothing. God Damn it they better DLC that crap.

  7. ExtremeThunderGaming より:

    I want Mega Flygon and Mega Johto Starters!!!

  8. Alex H より:


  9. CCEntertainment より:

    On numerous sites, there’s a Nintendo Switch version with a “TBA” beside it. Nintendo saving this for E3!!

  10. Emmanuel Alcantara より:

    Those are not mega evolutions, they’re a fusion with necrazma

  11. Kodie Russell より:

    Pokémon sun and moon final mix

  12. Khalz13 より:

    bought the game when it first came out….havent even played it yet😂

  13. Kris Schlitt より:

    bring back gen 1 and 2

  14. Maskquerade より:

    This is so trash

  15. Jordan Thomas より:

    Not surprised, they did the same exact thing back in 2012 with Pokemon Black and White 2, Now its Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon
    They’re coming to the point where they will eventually run out of ideas

  16. Squizznot より:

    The new poke’mon are so lazy, it hurts. It stopped being original four generations ago.

  17. Alle Alle より:

    Pass me the salt.

  18. Nigmatic より:

    Can’t wait till that Pokemon Ultra Turbo Redux Star Platinum comes out.

  19. Jonathan Gillooly より:

    Oh boy, looks like pokemon black and white 2 all over again

  20. Nicholas Haske より:

    I’m still waiting for the Diamond and Pearl remakes. Who’s with me?

  21. 5am45 より:

    I dont really like sun and moon, not sure why but i cant get into it. i dont like the fact it tells you what moves are effective and not. hopefully they scrap that and i can get back into the series.

  22. Mr. Flash より:

    If I was Nintendo I would be ashamed to even bother with the 3DS anymore, let alone put the 50th Pokemon game on it.

  23. Y より:

    We want Diamond & Pearl remakes after this!

  24. Sorcerer Surpreme known as Doctor Strange より:

    is it an update or u have to buy a new Pokemon game

  25. Roll For Rupees より:


  26. CRINGE より:

    This just for people to buy Nintedo Switch -_-

  27. Cintron Dominion より:

    Of course they wouldn’t just release an update but make a whole other game

  28. Firestylejutsu4 より:

    Pokemon is turning into COD at this point.

  29. kman1868 より:

    Bring back the poke walker and heartgold and soul sliver

  30. Legendary Mercy より:


  31. TrueFireFoxMDT Gaming より:

    So, they released a trailer for this, WHICH IM HYPE FOR! but where is Marshadow? We saw a reveal for him for the game not to long ago.

  32. IcyLucario より:

    Despite everyone being salty this announcement isn’t what anyone expected, if this turns out to be a Black2/White2 it could be fantastic.

  33. Molten Sky Iron より:

    7.8 out of 10. To much water

  34. Gavin McMagerduff より:

    I’m confused, is this for the 3DS or the switch

  35. hoepil より:


  36. Jonathan Hernandez より:

    Wow Nintendo didn’t waste any time for this cash grab?

  37. Jordon Lees より:

    Spoon and fork

  38. 1992TheDiamondWolf より:

    wow Pokemon like copying Digimon

  39. Jonathan Haertel より:

    I think that Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are Pokémon Stars.

  40. Ecchi Bot より:

    Honestly since the switch is big on transportability, why hasnt this been given the chance to have some of the handheld only games? Mario and Luigi games? Pokemon Games? They are at a weird price but the whole point of the switch being a thing was because it’s basically a handheld that can link to the tv super easily. Basically an upgraded DS where is my Nintendo Switch Pokemon games.

  41. RPGamer より:

    If they put pokemon on the switch do they think people wont buy 3ds?

  42. Jonathan Carless より:

    I knew there would be another Pokemon for 3DS.

  43. Quazaarr より:

    does it work for 2ds xl

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