The REASON We Don’t Have Pokémon Ultra Sun & Moon News?

With Pokémon Ultra Sun & Pokémon Ultra Moon only a few months from release, it is still pretty concerning how we still barely know any information about these new games. What could be the reason for this lack of news? Get my thoughts here!

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Credit goes to Dobbs for the Pokedex Countdown Animation:

♫ Outro Music:
♫ Background Music:



  1. MOO より:

    Maybe theyre planning a Pokemon Direct?

  2. GamefXd より:

    Yes another vid

  3. ShockConan より:

    Last time they revealed infos, we were mad they gave us too much info.
    Now they are givin us almost no news. Now for the big money question:
    Is it good or bad now?

  4. TheMaskedWarriah より:

    What up notification squad

  5. Mick より:

    My reasons were your reasons. (If that makes sense) lol

  6. Mick より:

    Why in the description does it say, “Submit your Mario Maker levels”? What’s that for?

  7. Alonzo_Sizaboi23 C より:

    maybe october

  8. ProperJelly Don't be proper;3 より:

    Ah~ You have given me some solace^^

  9. Aniruddh Fulsundar より:

    Yes I also think that this game will be not exciting as sun and Moon

  10. Midytheimp より:

    The reason is that people bitched about them not being on the Switch so Game Freak is treading lightly. Maybe they don’t want to talk about it much because of the possibility of pissing people off again and they are focusing on the Switch game. However, Nintendo is being sued over the Switch’s design so there is a possibility of it being pulled from sale which means that if Pokemon wants to make the game, they can’t or they will risk losing money because a bunch of people don’t have one and risk pissing off the majority(the people who don’t have a Switch and play Pokemon.) Production may be halted on the Switch game until after the lawsuit is settled(and preferrably in Nintendo’s favor).

  11. corrin the fighter より:

    I agree that we are being punished because of all the leakes and the data mining

  12. Dylan Priggen より:

    Well I’d think that since Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon is because since their similar to Platinum, Crystal etc etc, Platinum didn’t receive as many trailers leading up to its release back in 2009. Either that, or Game Freak is just doing this on purpose

  13. YukiJadenSurvives2 より:

    Cause there ain’t nothing to say

  14. Daniel Mattes より:


  15. Emerald より:

    Hey Aero can you stream smash for Wii u sometime if you can plz

  16. No sunscreen ban SPF より:

    US & UM will be tedious like the previous S&M. The reason GF don’t want to show us more details, and they don’t want to be vocal about the games is because they don’t want to piss people off. Game freak don’t want to give us any new details. So they want us to scrutinize the game and see for ourselves.

  17. Shawn Styles より:

    there will be a new gen 7 pokemon remember the fossil from omega ruby alpha sapphire the 2 new ones that can’t bring back as pokemon it said in their bio their from alola so we will see 2 new fossils pokemon from alola reign and the game is not 100% complete when sun and moon came out it said it still has more stuff in the game new pokemons that aren’t in sun and moon so we will see them in ultra sun and ultra moon

  18. Estelle Geneva the Kitty Toulmin より:

    I think it’s to stop the hype train from happening which I don’t mind to be honest, I much rather have my hopes not so high and then be blown away by the games. I’ll still buy them both and play them regardless!

  19. Titanfrostx より:

    we dont need news its all most here

  20. jeremy lacasse より:

    U have to remember during what I think was either pax or e3, the producers said that the game had never been so developed at that point towards release that it could be played

  21. Cullen Bloodstone より:

    i guess people have forgotten how similar b2w2 looked to the original bw games and yet are so much better than them. i bet these games will be more in line with those games.

  22. Yury Valkov より:

    Hey Aero, I really enjoy and appreciate the work you do, it’s really refreshing to find a person who tries to dig deep into logic and reasoning. Your content overall is very good, and thanks for providing it to us. Keep it up and best of luck (:

  23. James Willett より:

    Reading subtitles not sure if it will be 40+ hours… HA
    Bfffttt Hahahahaha *cough* *cough* *deep breath* Im ok
    Have they ever tried to catch 800 pokemon? I spent 300+ hours just on AS alone. That doesn’t include OR which is its counter part. Or the x and Y or sun and moon. All of them had over 40 hours after my pokedex was done and I reset them for legendaries too. Pffft Im sure Ill spend 40+ hours on a main series switch game.

  24. lagging_daze より:

    Just a small amount of Pokémon to be released. They’ll put out some trailers. There’s already some baggage with the free Dusk Lycanroc if you get the game before early 2018 so it will sell ok already(just like the Munchlax gift for SM). They’ve already completed UltraSun and UltraMoon soon after Sun and Moon were completed because all four games were planned(USUM could’ve been planned during development of SM). There is definitely going to be a big trailer with reveals of how the alternate story will work and new Pokémon. It could also be a trailer with the last episode of Train On for the kids. I’m excited to see if it will be Black and White 2 levels of awesome! I’m okay with them releasing a new game if they have new ideas that deserve its own game because of how it wouldn’t really fit in SM if it’s that different. Plus it’s been a full year and I’m sure 40 dollars isn’t a lot to consider.

  25. zeitGGeist より:

    They are holding off until Pokken Deluxe comes out.

  26. TheNextNX より:

    Guys a new Nintendo Direct are coming. New Arms fighter, something big for Splatoon 2, Fire Emblem Warriors release date, Animal Crossing mobile, Pokemon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon news, new Switch games, Skyrim switch release date, Kirby 3DS…

  27. DoomDesired より:

    I don’t see anybody complaining in Japan. Its only the western bastards who take everything for granted. Remember, up until Gen 6 was when they actually started doing larger news releases. Back during Gen 1 and 2, you were lucky to get anything in a magazine in Japan!

  28. zeitGGeist より:

    This is 1000x better than nazi pokétubers

  29. Jolly Rogers より:

    The reason is literally because they already hyped us up for these games by having Sun and Moon. We know what’s coming out, what new stuff to possibly expect (new Alolan forms, new moves, new form changes) and those aren’t enough to ‘give jaded individuals a reason to buy these games’, so they aren’t going to show all they have coming, as people who aren’t interested in playing a similar game just to have different story won’t be persuaded with cool moves or a cool new form. If they didn’t like the first games, they probably won’t like these games. If this were a different region or a ‘completely different experience’, I’d agree they need to show something by now, but as it is, we know what we’re going to play. The people who don’t know what THIS game plays like can see how Sun and Moon plays and know if they want to get these new games.

    What we don’t know is what they can’t tell us, or the games would lose their surprises, like the twists and turns in the story. The only reason they can show all of what they do before the first game of the gen is simply QUANTITY. They simply have that much to show off that doesn’t really matter to the experience of playing the game. Just look at the statistics of when they release information before a new gen and when they release information before a new ‘sequel/alternate/enhanced’ version of the game previously released in that new gen. It’s usually around this time they show stuff, and even then it’s not nearly as much.

    Please, stop hyping this idea that Game Freak is doing this stuff they’re not doing, just because you need to make views. Come up with actual ‘reasons’ they would hold off on information, or add more ideas from fans,to make more video time, instead of a ‘punishing all fans for doing things only a few fans did’ angle, which is idiotic and not good business for a game company. They knew what they were doing when they put that stuff in the demos (that stuff shouldn’t have been in a DEMO in the first place, cmon game designers, get with it), so that excuse is stupid.

  30. MeowserZ より:

    I was in school when this was uploaded lol

  31. Madara The Bird Master より:

    Hope they make team skull more interesting

  32. Nuzlocke より:

    What if they live stream about sun and Moon

  33. BoltStrike より:

    1. Not being a new generation isn’t really an excuse since we’ve known more about Platinum, HGSS, and ORAS this close to their release than we do about this game. The only other game that they were this silent about pre-release was BW2, which was revealed on February, had its first real news in April, and released in June.
    2. As you said, this happens constantly. Why would now be any different? The game is clearly very early in development and it’s likely going to be even longer before we see anything concrete about that, so why would they prioritize that in marketing at this point?
    3. Probably your only legitimate point, but even then, the problem there is more the demo than anything else. Outside of the demo dump, what was really leaked? Final evolutions of starters? That’s not really that much. Maybe what they should be rethinking is whether or not they should have a demo, or if they can keep the full game’s code out of the demo if possible. Completely killing the marketing is just shooting themselves in the foot.

  34. ༺ཱྀ༼Mitsuki༽ཱི༻ 은 미나 より:

    Because of the dataminers, they can get more info if they release trailers

  35. Dave Van Tol より:

    I’m pretty sure that they don’t give any news because there just isn’t that much news to give. US/UM are not really “new” games, yes there are some things in the story they could tell but that would be pretty spoiling. They could also tell us about new Pokémon (formes) and functions but when they do that they will give out everything pretty fast. So when they tell us these kind of things, most the big surprises they have for us will be lost and that way they will make us really hyped but we will probably be disappointed when we get the games. So what do we want more: a lot of big questions, or the same case as with OR/AS.

    Sorry for my bad English

  36. Hunter Zeo より:

    You just earned a sub

  37. Kristen Shields より:

    Mostly people were coming up with a bunch of leaks/rumors whether if they think it’s real or fake. game freak doesn’t like to talk about it because otherwise, nobody is going to buy the ultra sun or ultra moon version after all the spoiling that we’ve been through. I think it’s going to be a surprise when the information is revealed. Sometimes people were dying for ideas that they want to be included and some other people think if it’s fake or real. Plus everyone around the world is going crazy. For me, I just want ultra sun/ultra moon to be the best game as possible. Everybody should be patience because it might take a while for the information to come out

  38. The Master Poké Bros より:

    I kinda agree with that last one but they need to do more because I won’t be surprised if any GameStop/EBgames knows that this game exists and I won’t be surprised if I got to the midnight release at my local EBgames and find that the store is closed

  39. TheCalorieKing より:

    There better be a challenge mode.

  40. Mr.Ducksnickers より:

    It’s probably so you have more surprise elements in the game instead of having known half of everything.

  41. Angel より:

    Good job on the vid man even tho your busy I love how you can make vids also Aero do you remember me?

  42. Tig Ger より:

    I’ll tell you why because game freak doesn’t want any leaks like how sun and moon got leak way before release date

  43. DerToasti より:

    usum will be rehashed ass because they are busting their ass on the switch game and probably struggling with HD.

  44. Zachary Wilson より:

    Nice vid

  45. Shark horse より:

    Shut up and take my money Nintendo

  46. TheChoujinVirus より:

    or maybe it’s because GameFreak finally has control of leaked info

  47. Cory James より:

    To all the makers of pokemon I just want to say thank you for your awesome games

  48. Nicholas Evans より:

    Honestly we had more info about the Gen 3 remakes at this point.

  49. ΛNGΞL より:

    actually there’s also the very forgettable “I choose you” cap pikachu that was leaked.

  50. Jwanie より:

    Sun/Moon started off a new generation, so it made sense that news came out frequently. USUM are still within the same gen, so there won’t be as much new info. In 2012, B2W2 were announced in late Feb but there was barely any info until Mid April, which was about 2 months before it released. I can guarantee that big news will come for USUM in mid September

  51. Dorkin Space より:

    I don’t mind getting too much info about Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. The less info we get, the more of a surprise the actual games will be. I want to discover the new features and other new things about the upcoming games myself rather than having a trailer tell me what to expect. Sometimes, life needs to be unpredictable. This is one of those times.

  52. Jason Studioso より:

    The game comes out in 3 months and we know pretty much jack shit about it

  53. DavyStorm より:

    Anyone realize he said new 2d pokemon games

  54. 13 dimensions より:

    The Pokémon community is garbage selfish and stuck up assholes ? !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  55. X216 より:

    MAJOR SPOILER:Pokemon is now in the game

  56. Jason Wong より:

    Pokemon fan logic
    Sun and moon
    Show too much not going to buy it
    Ultra Sun and Ultra moon
    Show nothing not going to buy it

  57. Mia Valentine より:

    tbh i really don’t care about the lack of info on the games, when sun and moon were revealed last year data minors and leakers pretty much covered every single detail from pokemon to graphics and so on, that made it feel extremely underwhelming for me, i did enjoy the games ofcourse but because i knew what to expect i wasn’t surprised, i wasn’t excited as much as i should of been. so in a way im glad there’s not much to go on at this point of US/UM. i honestly don’t know why people are concerned about this since the data minors pretty much leaked everything about sun and moon way before they came out, a lot of people complained about this, knowing too much and how underwhelming it was because of it yet they complain about not getting enough news on us/um?! come on people pick one, you either want info or you don’t, don’t contradict yourselves and say you didn’t complain when pretty much most of the fans were pissed about knowing everything! if we don’t get any info until release of these games, im happy. because i would rather play the games like we used to, not knowing a damn thing.

  58. ElectabuzzKing より:

    Eh, I might just skip out on US/UM. If it’s true that there’s hardly any news on these games because there’s barely anything new added to gen 7, then it doesn’t warrant me buying a 3DS again just to play it. I sold Pokemon Moon because even though I enjoyed playing through the story, the game got real boring real quick after becoming champion. There was literary nothing to do after catching the Ulta Beasts, unless you’re into competitive battling and have people to battle with. The battle tree was just the Battle Masion with a new coat of paint. As a person who likes to competitive battle but have no friends who do, I had no reason to cut the game back on after the story.
    These games need to have some ground breaking aftergame for me to buy it, near the levels of Gold and Silver’s Kanto region aftergame. Otherwise, this will be the first Pokemon main series game I refuse to buy ever since the original Blue.

  59. Rowlet より:

    I’m pretty happy with no news!! We’re gonna play through a game we have no idea about. That’s going to be hella fun

  60. Vincent Werts より:

    I think GameFreak isn’t punishing us. Last time with Pokemon Sun/Moon we complained that when the game came out most of the pokemon had already been revealed (even officially). This was also a complaint for x/y. I think GameFreak is keeping information from us so there is more of a surprise on launch. Just my opinion.

  61. Ninja Boy Ethan より:

    Maybe they have lots of new feature but want the player to explore them themselves. So they wait at the last minute. To give some awesome news to immediately boost sale then the player has more to explore because you don’t won’t to play what they showed you, you want to play what you explored

  62. BreeMode Buncake より:

    I like to use the newest games to transfer my growing number of pokemon from region to region even though there might not be much change. I cant wait for new pokemon and new sides to the stories 🙂

  63. Leah Schaffer より:

    We will probably get some more information on Pokémon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon later on this August or maybe Early September instead!

    The only new information we got was the New Dusk Lycanroc Form and that wasn’t much of a little bit of a Preview of Dusk Lycanroc in the Gameplay!

    That Preview video was very short, the only thing they talked about was Dusk Lycanroc New Form and they could have added something else to the video but they didn’t do that!

    I believe that Something Big is going to be announced soon!

    I believe that Dusk Lycanroc was a bit of a teaser to get us more hyped up about Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon Games!

    I believe that they could announced Dawn Form Lycanroc real soon a long with some New Alolan Forms and some brand new Z-Moves for the New Alolan Forms!?

    I’m hoping that Rotom Dex isn’t to talkative and it allows us to do our own thing without Rotom Dex holding us up!?

    I one thing I want back is the skates or a Bike to travel around the Alola Region and to have your Starter Pokémon setting in the basket while you’re off to the next town! ??

    Here’s another thing I want back is the Game Corner with Brand New Games that you can play with your Pokémon! ??

  64. 13crashcrash より:

    All I want is to walk with my Pokemon again

  65. Edgar Louis Beley より:

    They shouldnt just release it if they werent really into it. Shame

  66. Hansiger Obba より:

    but we have. You are all only not patience enough like 12 year old kids who want every month new information

  67. CrimsonBunnyScratch より:

    I blame leakers and hateful backlash at another just meh update game but it seems like that’s sort of why. plus it is there isn’t a lot to change that won’t be major spoilers. I think these are reduxes with slight story tweaks but I think they’re working on gen 4 remakes behind the scenes

  68. Flare Gamer 64 より:

    Now we know. Beacuse they did the most minimal amount of shit and about 85% of the new stuff was in the trailers.

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